Openoffice Mac 10.4
Question: Q: Open Office for iBook G3 Mac OS X 10.4.11 Hello, I have an iBook G3 (Yes, call me crazy, but I Literally got it for free from a teacher, and I repaired most of the internals, as well as the screen) I want to have Open Office on my iBook G3 in case my MacBook decides to. Jun 25, 2004.
From NeoWiki
Open Office Mac Os 10.4
OO.oX11 Wiki Home Page Download NeoLight SpotLight Plugin |
[edit] Mac OS X (X11)
[edit]Stable Release X11 3.0 has been released. It runs on Panther (10.3) and Tiger (10.4) and needs X11 to run. It can be found on the 2.0 release page:
The previous version of Mac OS X (X11) is 1.1.2, runs on Mac OS X 10.2.x, 10.3.x, and 10.4.x and is localized in English. It can be found at the download page for the OOo Mac port:
If your preferred language is not English, check with your OOo NativeLang project (e.g. to see if there is a version of OOo Mac OS X (X11) available in your language. These localized versions run only on Mac OS X 10.3.x or 10.4.x, but not both (or on 10.2.x).
[edit]Development Builds, Betas, and Release Candidates
Development builds of the upcoming 2.0 are available for Mac OS X. You can find the latest builds by checking the mac@porting list from Also, the more stable beta builds will get links posted in the Trinity 'developement' forums.
[edit]Getting X11 for your Mac
You can find X11 in the Applications/Utilities folder. If you do not have it installed, here is how to get it:
- If you have Mac OS X 10.3.x or 10.4.x, the X11 package is included on your Mac OS X installation CDs/DVD. It may be pre-installed on new Macs.
- Mac OS X 10.3.x: The X11User.pkg is on Disc 3 of the Mac OS X Install CD set
- Mac OS X 10.4.x: The X11User.pkg is located in the Optional Packages folder of the Mac OS X Install DVD
- If you have Mac OS X 10.3.x, you can download X11 from Apple:
- This version will not work on Mac OS X 10.4.x
Important! if you upgraded from 10.3 to 10.4 and had X11 installed, you will need to manually upgrade X11 using the 10.4 DVD, as this is not a part of the standard upgrade.
- For all versions of Mac OS X there is XDarwin: http://xdarwin.orgplease remember Problems with FTP and Safari
- For easier installation of XDarwin, try Fink :
- To make XDarwin look more Mac-like, there is OroborOSX: (You need XDarwin to use this)
[edit]Spotlight Integration
If you use Mac OS X 10.4.x, you can add Spotlight support for and OpenDocument files by downloading and installing NeoLight.
For the pre-Intel powerPC processor range of product, the OpenOffice version is old.
Looks like OpenOffice v. 2.0 or so. And it may require you to install X11 to run it, that
had been (supposed to be) on the Tiger 10.4 install DVD (or CD rare 4 disc set.)
{Previous version MS Word 5.1a was excellent as word processor for Tiger.
However MS Office was a huge drain on system resources to install a suite.}
Have not located the exact installer from the archive but what I did find
was an old link to discontinued Apple support page from a decade ago, w/o content.
System requirements for OpenOffice2.0:
Perhaps something may come of this search:
A NeoOfffice classic edition seems to be new new for Tiger in PPC.
Openoffice For Mac Os 10.4
Openoffice Para Mac 10.4.11
Good luck in this matter! 🙂