Prey Golden Gun Vs Silenced Pistol
The Artemis Golden Pistol takes a little work to get your hands on. It’s better than the silenced pistol you’ve already got (especially fully upgraded), but more importantly, it’s gold. Artemis Golden Pistol: An enhanced version of the Silenced Pistol that features more firepower. See The Golden Gun. Huntress Boltcaster: A toy crossbow that shoots foam darts. Useful when you want.
Prey is a first-person action-adventure game that drops you into a terrifying, alien-infested world. If you want to survive this dangerous adventure, Gameranx is here to save the day! Going forward into the dark can be scary, but knowing the weapons and upgrades is one step in the right direction for preparing for all the spine-chilling action in Prey.
- Weapons
- Wrench
- Damage: 11-12
- Weapon Size: 2 Inventory Slots
- This non-upgradable weapon can be used to both repair devices along you ways and attack enemies. Swinging the wrench will diminish your stamina, but you can also hold down the attack button for stronger attacks or tap the button to perform quick strikes.
- Gloo Cannon
- Incapacitation Rate: 100-225%
- Weapon Size: 3 Inventory Slots
- Reload Speed: 100-175%
- Handling: 33-75%
- Range: 9-24m
- Location: Close to the body of the Veer Singh in the Neuromod Division foyer
- This weapon can be used to separate from your enemies or paralyze them by releasing blasts of foam. Upgrading this weapons will require both Lab Tech 1 and Lab Tech 2 as well as 15 weapon upgrade kits.
- Silenced Pistol
- Firepower: 11-13
- Accuracy: 60
- Range: 15-35m
- Reload Speed: 60-85%
- Weapon Size: 2 Inventory Slots
- Location: Close to Elias Black’s body in the Teleconferencing Center in the Talos 1 Lobby.
- Useful in remaining quiet, this pea shooter can help you in a pinch. In order to upgrade this weapon, you will need the Gunsmith 1 and Gunsmith 2 abilities, as well as 15 upgrade kits.
- Huntress Boltcaster
- Weapon Size: 2 Inventory Slots
- Location: Can be found in the Talos 1 Lobby, within the sales division, but also located in several other places.
- Shotgun
- Firepower: 44-71
- Recoil: 100-10%
- Ammo Capacity: 4-10
- Reload Speed: 60-85%
- Weapon Size: 3 Inventory Slots
- Location: Found in the office of Sarah Elazar, within the Talos 1 Lobby.
- This weapon is particularly useful in close-quarters combat. In order to upgrade this weapon, Gunsmith 1 and 2 will be required as well as 15 upgrade kits.
- Disruptor Stun Gun
- Power: 4-9 Seconds
- Range: 7.5-15m
- Recharge Rate: 1.5-0.25 seconds
- Weapon Size: 2 Inventory Slots
- Found: Located on the bodies of security officers
- This weapon is ver similar to the GLOO Cannon. In order to full upgrade this, Gunsmith 1 and 2 will be required along with 17 upgrade kits.
- Q-Beam
- Power: 55-110KW
- Firing Power: 5-10 Seconds
- Handling: 15-75%
- Reload Speed: 100-145%
- Weapon Size: 4 Inventory Slots
- Location: Found within the Beams and Waves Lab in the Hardware Labs.
- This weapon is one of the most powerful within the game, so upgrading it is worth it. In order to do this, you’ll need Tech Lab 1 and 2 as well as 14 upgrade kits.
- Artemis Golden Pistol
- Firepower: 12-14
- Magazine Capacity: 15-27
- Range: 15-35m
- Accuracy: 60-85%
- Weapon Size: 2 Inventory Slots
- Location: This weapon is only available after completing the optional objective: The Golden Gun. It is located in a safe in Jada Mark’s cabin in the crew’s quarters.
- This weapon is pretty much the replacement for the Silenced Pistol. In order to upgrade this, you’ll need to Gunsmith 1 and 2 as well as 5 upgrade kits.
- EMP Charge
- This weapon is a powerful grade that will temporarily disable electrical and mechanical devices. It takes up one inventory slot.
- Recycler Charge
- This grenade sucks enemies into it and turns them into component parts. It uses one inventory slot.
- Nullwave Transmitter
- This grade disables all psi abilities (including your own!). It uses one inventory slot.
- Typhoon Lure
- Use this device to lure in Typhoons, combine with recycler charges for an extra-devasting attack. It uses one inventory slot.
- Wrench
As Prey [2017] begins, you'll have nothing more than a wrench to defend yourself against mind-effecting Phantoms and sneaky Mimics. Expanding your arsenal is key to survival, and we'll explain where to get all the latest and greatest weapons available on the station.
There's nothing worse than encountering a new Typhon enemy without the firepower to handle it. Weapons are littered all around the station, and getting your hands on one without having to craft it is a pretty big plus. Below, we'll explain where to get some of the awesome, sci-fi weapons of Prey so you won't have to scrounge the entire ship.
The Shotgun is an integral find early-on, and can be recovered right as you enter the Talos 1 Lobby area. Simply rush the Security Station to the right of the Shuttle Bay and climb through the vents to claim up. Many weapons are pretty easy to locate, even if they're all technically optional -- still, there are many optional locations or extra-powerful heavy guns you'll only find in specific spots.
More Prey guides on The Escapist:[Work-in-Progress: We're still looking for guns. Check back soon for new weapon locations. It's a big station out there!]
Neuromod DivisionPrey Golden Pistol Vs Silenced Pistol
GLOO Cannon: Found in the hallway after leaving the Research & Design office, directly in your path to the large room with your first Neuromod location.
Disruptor Stun Gun: Look on a corpse on the second level of the Neuromod Lab. Use the GLOO Gun to reach the upper balcony from the sign, then search the corpse between the Volunteer Quarters and the Volunteer Testing doors.
- Alternate Location: Found in the Simulation Debriefing room, outside the fake apartment. In Debriefing, look left and climb up onto the large blue computer to find a cache of useful items, including a Heavy Gear Optimizer.
Shotgun: The Shotgun is located in the Security Station office. Find the keycard in the I.T. Security room -- from the entrance, go up the stairs in the back-right and walk along the exterior edge to the center balcony. Hack the keypad to get inside. Find the Security Keycard on the desk to the left.
- Alternate Entrance: Crawl up into the vent entrance outside the locked Security Station door to enter the office without the keycard.
Huntress Boltcaster: Found in the Neuromod Sales Department, behind the desk in Kelly Randolph's office.
Silenced Pistol: The silenced 9mm pistol is found on the ground in the Teleconferencing Center, across the landing from the Executive Offices.
Golden Pistol Prey
Hardware LabsQ-Beam: Use the Repair 2 ability to fix the breach failsafe panel to the right when you enter the Talos 1 Exterior area from the Hardware Labs bulkhead. Return to the Hardware Labs and enter the Beams & Waves Lab. The area can now be accessed -- use the terminal outside the testing room to unlock the Q-Beam and collect it.
Crew QuartersArtemis Golden Gun: The Golden Gun is locked in a safe in Jada Marks' cabin. To get her keycard and find the keycode for her safe, you'll need to locate the body of Marietta Kyrkos in the Arboretum.
- In the Arboretum, climb the rocks above the 'Lobby' hallway and look under the scaffolding supporting Alex Yu's office. There's a body with the keycard and the code. Listen to the transcribe message to start the 'Golden Gun' quest.
More coming soon.