Eleanor Forte Voice Bank
Originally this song came up in my dream a long time ago. The dream was like this: I was watching some of my favourite music videos when this song came up. I loved its music video: the singer was in a dark room and behind her there was a flame that was getting bigger and bigger as the song went. Right in front of the camera, on the left, there was a model of a locomotive class ES 499 / 363 (I'm a railfan so I loved it!). The song was called 'You Look Weird To Me'. But I didn't know that one day I will remake the song in Synth V! It's probably the first and only SynthV original song made in the Czech Republic. It's not very close to the original version from the dream so maybe I will remake the full original version with the video and the real voice.New version with the music video: https://youtu.be/RbF4llkzNkA______________________________________Lyrics:Far away are the timeswhen we were together,Far away are the good times with you.You used to be a great personand I liked you so much,but one day, something bad happened to you.Lately you oftenescape to your world,the world of your own fantasy.You left me aloneand I miss you so much,so please come back to me.***You look weird to me,you have your own world somewhere away.You look weird to me,I hope you'll return some day.I'm feeling so alone.I need to get rid of this feeling.Please come back to me,I want to be with you!***When I ask you a question,your answers are so weird,I cannot even understand them.You're living somewhere far awayfrom reality,so please come back to me.***You look weird to me,you have your own world somewhere away.You look weird to me,I hope you'll return some day.I'm feeling so alone.I need to get rid of this feeling.Please come back to me,I want to be with you!***We're getting away from each other,and I feel more and more alone.I am so anxious these days.Anxiety flows through my body,I feel it more and more.so please come back to me.***You look weird to me,you have your own world somewhere away.You look weird to me,I hope you'll return some day.I'm feeling so alone.I need to get rid of this feeling.Please come back to me,I want to be with you!***
Eleanor Forte (エレノア フォルテ; formerly known as ENG-F1) was the first American English vocal and the first vocal overall to be released for Synthesizer V. Her first name, 'Eleanor', has the meaning of light or bright with a sense of nobility, and her last name, 'Forte', has the meaning of strength and references the musical dynamic. Uploaded April 1, 2018, with 169,500+ YouTube views, 6,900+ Niconico views and 30,100+ SoundCloud views. One thing which may be useful to anyone frequenting here is that I used most of this as an experiment to see what I could do with Eleanor's voice and how I could have her make sound effects with her voice. That said, all of the instrumentals with the exception of the guitar and the clanking sounds against metal are Eleanor's voice.
Comment by David K.
@terrifyinglytalented: Thank you very much for your advice! The SynthV Trio (Ellie, Renri and Genbu) fits the song amazingly!
Comment by David K.
@terrifyinglytalented: Thank you, i will check them out. I think Eleanor Forte will not fit that song really well, so maybe for the lead vocal I will use an UTAUloid. But I've just listened to some songs with Genbu and I think that his voice will fit it very well! Still better than my very deep male vocals like in 'The Cyclops'.
Comment by MUSE-00
@dejv-krnavek: GENBU is Japanese, but has a great male range. Hopefully using the phoneme editor can help with that. Renri is also an already popular Japanese UTAU and has a Whisper sub-bank.
Comment by David K.
Eleanor Forte Voice Bank Download
@terrifyinglytalented: Thank you! This is my first SynthV original. I'm making another original, but I still don't know who will sing it.
Comment by MUSE-00
Your tuning is great! You did a good job.
Comment by David K.
Eleanor Forte Cosplay
@s-sneaky-rat: I made another Synth V original, The Cyclops. It has a very different vibe than this one, without any dissonance. I really love making synth solos, so it has a synth brass solo.
Comment by David K.
@s-sneaky-rat: Thank you very much for your feedback! And yeah, I like experimenting with synths and this is my typical style. But the 'original' version in the dream sounded different, especially the vocals. I'll try to remake it, along with the music video.
Comment by S. Sneaky Rat
Wow, composition wise this is really good. Good vocal and accompaniment. I'm still learning music composition, I'm lacking experience and knowledge to give a good feedback. But I think on this part the dissonance is a bit too much.